

  1. 答:Each year ,many college students,
    encouraged to aid students in the
    poverty-stricken areas, volunteer
    themselves in poor villages for a year
    and try to improve education in poor
    areas. But some people laugh at them
    and look on them as fools.
    However, in my opinion, the
    choices that volunteers have made are
    right and bright. Aid-education has
    been beneficial in two aspects. On the
    one hand, college volunteers are really
  1. 答:写好啦,你看看吧~
    Nowadays,more and more students from colleges give up teaching in the town but choose to teach in the country .There are some significance of the phenomenon:At the first ,
    It offers university students opportunities to get work experience in prepare of work
    in the future e back to the city.Secondly,they can help the rural children to
    let them get knowledges that their elders can never get.Thirdly,their teaching in the country makes a contribution to the development of education of our country.
  2. 答:自述掘友不够~,再数散枝加薯敏一句~At last,It promotes the friendship of the urban and the rural.
问:有关支教的英语作文 要求说出你对大学生支教的一些看法。 350字左右,非常着急!!
  1. 答:你先把看法写出来,大家帮你翻译,这样就好办了
  2. 答:I DON
