

  1. 答:There are some differences between China education and Western education. First in our country children are demanded to study many subjects from a young age . And they are often forced to accept their parents' opinions about education. While in western countries, children are taught in a natural environment and they can learn some life skills from their environment . But they don't need to finish any work by their parents. instead, they can develop interest of their own. They have more chances to take some activities and develop their character. But they can not learn so much basic knowledge as Chinese children.
  1. 答:Western education is a kind of try to education, let the students try to experience, the difficulties found in the experience, and then found the problem, by the students themselves in solving difficulties in accumulating test conclusion.That is the result of real students own knowledge.China's education is a kind of aftertaste force-feeding education, adult experience told students first, lets the student step-by-step, step by step in teachers under the guidance of learning practice, e to a conclusion is the book knowledge, the result it is often difficult to jump out of the existing fixed mode.
问:中西方大学教育差异的 英语短文
  1. 答:中国:学生比较懒散,听课都要靠点名来维持出勤率。老师大多数就是照本宣科,学生和老师的互动性少。还是注重学生的死记硬背能力。期末考试的分数占成绩比例比较大。
